Red Hook Reporters is a community-based reporting project connecting youth to local leaders and institutions, and provid ing the tools and space needed for teens to tell the stories of their own neighborhood.
Over 5 weekends in June, we collaborated with 12 neighborhood teens on a reporting project. To see the student work, join us at Red Hook Flicks next Tuesday 7/17 at 8PM. A video reel showing the students work will be shown before the feature film.
Brooklyn, NY
Alexis Lambrou (Teaching Artist)
Special thanks to Katherine March Driscoll, Jessica Bal, Jessica Yu, Miccio Community Center, Brooklyn Slate, Red Hook Public Library, Karen Blondell, Lorie Novak, The Record Shop, The Good Fork, Red Hook Flicks, The Red Hook Farm, and Rocky Sullivan’s.
The program was made possible with public funds from the Decentralization Program of the New York State Council on the Arts, administered in Kings County by Brooklyn Arts Council.