Fort Greene

Asmeret Berhe-Lumax

Asmeret Berhe-Lumax is championing food security in New York City and beyond. Many people around the world still don’t have access to fresh food. This issue was highlighted during the pandemic as a sharp economic downturn exacerbated food insecurity. This inspired Asmeret to found the One Love Community Fridge in July 2020, a nonprofit organization that works to provide access to fresh, healthy food without stigma. One Love Community Fridge strives to connect, empower, and engage the community through education. 

Driven by the idea that healthy food is a basic human right, Asmeret believes that we should strive for everyone to have the ability to make informed decisions about their food and truly choose what they want to eat. One Love Community Fridge doesn’t just grow food, it also grows people by advancing nutrition education through exposure and experiential learning. The four programs (Food-to-Fridge, Farm-to-Fridge, School-to-Fridge, and Chef-to-Fridge) address the core missions of One Love through donations and educational programming.

Asmeret is a co-founder of the Black Beauty Club, a social enterprise focused on community building within the Black Beauty space and looking at beauty from a cultural perspective. She is the chair of the Phenomenal Girls Club: a club where girls of color can meet women of color across industries. Asmeret works with beauty founders to build their strategy by helping them reach media and other influencers. Her experiences growing up in Asmara, Stockholm, and New York City, as well as being a mother of two children have informed her sense of leadership, community, and empowerment.




Asmeret Berhe-Lumax trabaja por la seguridad alimentaria en la ciudad de Nueva York y más allá. Todavía hay muchas personas en el mundo que no tienen acceso a alimentos frescos. Este problema se hizo aún más visible durante la pandemia, cuando la fuerte recesión económica exacerbó la inseguridad alimentaria. Esto inspiró a Asmeret a fundar One Love Community Fridge (Refrigerador Comunitario Un Amor) en Julio 2020, una organización sin fines de lucro dedicada a proveer acceso a alimentos frescos y saludables sin estigma. One Love Community Fridge trabaja para conectar, empoderar e involucrar a la comunidad mediante la información.

Impulsada por la idea de que la alimentación es un derecho humano fundamental, Asmeret cree que debemos esforzarnos para que cada persona tenga la capacidad de tomar decisiones informadas sobre su alimentación y realmente elegir lo que quieren comer. One Love Community Fridge no solo cultiva alimentos, sino que también cultiva a las personas, promoviendo la educación nutricional a través de la exposición y el aprendizaje experiencial. Los cuatro programas (Food-to-Fridge, Farm-to-Fridge, School-to-Fridge, and Chef-to-Fridge) avanzan las misiones fundamentales de One Love mediante donaciones y programas educativos.

Asmeret es co-fundadora de Black Beauty Club, una iniciativa social cuyo enfoque es desarrollar comunidad en el espacio de la Belleza Negra, y mirar la belleza desde una perspectiva cultural. Dirige el Phenomenal Girls Club: Un club donde las chicas de color pueden conocer a mujeres de color en diversas industrias. Asmeret trabaja con fundadores de belleza para desarrollar su estrategia, ayudándolos a alcanzar los medios y a otros influencers. Su experiencia de haberse criado en Asmara, Estocolmo y Nueva York, además de ser madre de dos hijos, han influido en su sentido de liderazgo, comunidad y empoderamiento.

Portrait by

Chykeem Nichols

Chykeem Nichols is a photographer from Fort Greene, Brooklyn. He uses his medium to unveil the intimacy of subjects and aims to showcase the voices that have been inadequately represented.

Text by

Mohammad Azad

I am a senior at Brooklyn Technical High School and love the refuge the community of Fort Greene provides after school. In my free time, I love to binge movies, sing, write, thrift, and hang out with my friends.

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