Fort Greene

Dr. Josephine English

“She was a strong African American woman that did things that a whole lot of people haven’t been able to do…she was a powerful woman,” said Joanne English, Dr. English’s niece. Born in 1920, when sexism, discrimination, and social inequality were intense, nothing was strong enough to push back Josephine English in doing things she was passionate about. Dr. English was the first African American woman licensed to open private surgery practices in New York and take a step towards improving the healthcare system for everyone, especially women.

Throughout her career, she delivered over 6,000 babies, including the children of Malcolm X and Betty Shabazz. Dr. English knew that people’s lives were precious and that everyone mattered. Therefore, she never thought of lessening her passion for people. Dr. English made extraordinary changes in the landscape for women and all the families in Brooklyn with access to health education. Later, Dr. English established the Paul Robeson Theater to showcase black theatrical playwriting and acting talent providing cultural pride in Fort Greene’s African American community. From the words of Dr. English’s son, Barry English, and her niece, Joanne English, Dr. English was “open to everyone in every stripe, inspiring many people around her to take on her legacy and inspiration.”

Dr. English made extraordinary changes in the landscape for women and all the families in Brooklyn with access to health education. Thus, thank you, Dr. English, one of our guiding forces in Brooklyn and one of our brightest stars. 

英格利希的侄女乔安妮·英格利希(Joanne English):“她是一位坚强的非裔美国女性,她做了很多人都做不到的事情……她是一位强大的女性。约瑟芬·英格利希出生于1920年,当时性别歧视和社会不平等现象十分严重,没有什么能阻止她去做自己热爱的事情。英格利希医生是第一个在纽约获得私人手术执照的非裔美国女性,她朝着改善每个人,尤其是女性的医疗体系迈出了一步。在她的职业生涯中,她接生了6000多名婴儿,包括马尔科姆·艾克斯和贝蒂·沙巴兹的孩子。英格利希博士知道人们的生命是宝贵的,每个人都很重要。因此,她从未想过要减少对人的热情。英格利希博士为布鲁克林的女性和所有家庭带来了巨大的改变,让她们有机会接受健康教育。后来,英格利希博士建立了保罗罗布森剧院,以展示黑人戏剧剧本和表演才能,为格林堡的非裔美国人社区提供文化自豪感。英格利希博士的儿子巴里·英格利希和她的侄女乔安妮·英格利希的话说,英格利希博士对各行各业的人敞开心扉,激励着她周围许多人继承她的遗产和灵感。


“Era una mujer afroamericana fuerte que hizo cosas que mucha gente no ha podido hacer… Era una mujer poderosa”, dijo Joanne English, sobrina de la Dra. English. Nacida en 1920, cuando el sexismo, la discriminación y la desigualdad social eran intensos, nada era lo suficientemente fuerte para hacer retroceder a Josephine English de hacer cosas que la apasionaban. La Dra. English fue la primera mujer afroamericana licenciada para abrir consultorios privados en NYC y avanzar la mejora del sistema de salud para todas las personas, especialmente para las mujeres. A lo largo de su carrera, ayudó a dar a luz a más de 6.000 bebés, incluidos los hijos de Malcolm X and Betty Shabazz. La Dra. English sabía que la vida de las personas era valiosa y que todas importaban. Por lo tanto, nunca pensó en disminuir su pasión por las personas. La Dra. English logró cambios extraordinarios en el panorama para las mujeres y todas las familias en Brooklyn con el acceso a la educación sobre la salud. Más adelante, la Dra. English estableció el Paul Robeson Theater un espacio para mostrar el talento negro de dramaturgia y actuación teatral, potenciando el orgullo cultural en la comunidad afroamericana de Fort Greene. Según las palabras del hijo de la Dra. English, Barry English, y de su sobrina, Joanne English, la Dra. English “se abría a todas las personas de todo tipo, inspirando a muchas de ellas en su entorno a asumir su legado e inspiración”.

La Dra. English logró cambios extraordinarios en el panorama para las mujeres y todas las familias en Brooklyn con el acceso a la educación sobre la salud. Por esto, gracias, Dra. English, una de nuestras fuerzas guía en Brooklyn y una de nuestras estrellas más brillantes.

Portrait by

Tenisha Carrington

Tenisha Carrington (they/them) is an independent filmmaker, writer, and archival storyteller who aims to showcase the beautiful complexities of human nature through their work. Currently directing, The English Way (@theenglishway_doc on Instagram), a documentary about legacy hero, Dr.Josephine English. Tenisha has come into their own, creatively, via the vibrant and very present artistic community in Fort Greene - a community that Dr. English, with much care and dedication, served for over 30 years. And as one of the estimated 6,000 babies Dr. English delivered, Tenisha is beyond honored to refresh Brooklyn’s memory of Dr. English and her great efforts to serve the community.

Text by

Emily Lin

My name is Emily, I am currently a high school sophomore. I love writing, painting, and listening to music! My relationship with Fort Greene is that I want to make more people aware of how many important community heroes Fort Greene has that made the community into what I experience in the present.

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