Fort Greene

Eric Blackwell

From Fort Greene, born in a public hospital, raised in public housing, attending public schools, Mr. Blackwell was just a child of the public in many ways. He saw activism in his community at a young age which encouraged him to use his voice to make the necessary changes around him. Mr. Blackwell ran for City Council in 2005.  He just wanted to lead by example and have a high impact in his community. “It’s simple. You’re either adding or subtracting. 2+2 or 2-2.”

With a degree in Urban Planning and Urban Studies, Mr. Blackwell  went on to create the first neighborhood newspaper called “Fort Greene News” which had a column entitled “Yo Iesha” for youth reporting. He also started a youth entrepreneurship program. Youth involved in the program sold 50 dozen T-shirts in 2 weeks.  Mr. Blackwell partnered with Spike Lee and Nike to jump start his journalism program which involved teaching youth how to write and how to research as well as learning about branding.

He continued his community heroism by becoming the newest chairperson for Fort Greene and Farragut Old Timers day after the late Saleem Ali. It’s an event put together for the community to enjoy good music, good food, and demonstrate unity in the community. Mr. Blackwell sits on the community board at Cumberland Hospital and is the  Founder and President of the Hanson Place block and community Association. Lastly, he held an event called “DJs Against Hunger”. It was an event held before the pandemic where all attendees had to bring canned goods that would be donated to Brooklyn Community Services in Fort Greene to feed those less fortunate.

Mr. Blackwell currently has his Project Gallery which is an at home gallery that features local artists in the community and artists from abroad that has been running for about 6 to 7 years.

To Mr. Blackwell, a community is a legacy of good days not just an isolation of good days. He said “Don’t shy away from one thing just because you can’t do 10.” Owning that one thing and mastering that one thing can lead and create more great things and opportunities. One day we can all be “sandwiches” (heroes) like Mr. Eric Blackwell.


拥有城市规划和城市研究学位后,布莱克威尔先生创办了第一家社区报纸《格林堡新闻》,其中有一个名为“Yo Iesha”的专栏,专门报道青年新闻。他还启动了一个青年创业项目。参与该项目的年轻人在两周内卖出了50T。布莱克威尔与斯派克·李和耐克合作,启动了他的新闻项目,其中包括教年轻人如何写作、如何研究以及学习品牌。




De Fort Greene, nacido en un hospital público, criado en viviendas públicas, asistió a escuelas

públicas, el Sr. Blackwell era un hijo del público en muchos sentidos. Vio el activismo en su comunidad desde una edad temprana, lo que lo animó a usar su voz para hacer los cambios necesarios a su alrededor. El Sr. Blackwell fue candidato para concejal del Concejo Municipal en 2005. Solo quería liderar con el ejemplo y tener un gran impacto en su comunidad. “Es simple. O estás sumando o estás restando. 2+2 o 2-2”.

Licenciado en Urbanismo y Estudios Urbanos, el Sr. Blackwell creó el primer periódico del barrio, “Fort Greene News”, que tenía una columna titulada “Yo Iesha” para noticias juveniles. También comenzó un programa de emprendimiento juvenil. Los jóvenes en este programa vendieron 50 docenas de camisetas en 2 semanas. El Sr. Blackwell colaboró con Spike Lee

y Nike para poner en marcha su programa de periodismo para jóvenes, que implicaba enseñarles cómo escribir y cómo investigar, así como aprender sobre cómo crear una marca.

Continuó su Heroísmo Comunitario al convertirse en el nuevo presidente de Fort Greene and Farragut Old Timers Day, después del difunto Saleem Ali. Es un evento que se organiza para que la comunidad disfrute de buena música, buena comida y para mostrar unidad en la comunidad. El Sr. Blackwell forma parte de la Junta Comunitaria de Cumberland Hospital y es el Fundador y Presidente de Hanson Place Block and Community Association. Por último, organizó un evento llamado “DJs Against Hunger” (DJs contra el Hambre). Fue un evento

celebrado antes de la pandemia donde todos los asistentes debían que traer productos enlatados que serían donados a Brooklyn Community Services en Fort Greene para alimentar a las personas menos afortunadas.

Actualmente, el Sr. Blackwell tiene su Project Gallery, una galería en su casa que presenta artistas locales en la comunidad y artistas extranjeros, y ha estado funcionando durante unos 6 to 7 años.

Para el Sr. Blackwell, una comunidad es un legado de buenos días, no solo un aislamiento de días buenos. Dice: “No dejes de hacer una cosa tan solo porque no puedes hacer 10”. Tener una cosa y hacer esa cosa bien puede resultar en y crear más grandes cosas y oportunidades. Algún día todos podemos ser “sándwiches” (héroes) como el Sr. Eric Blackwell.

Portrait by

Denise Evans

My name is Ms. Denise Evans, I am a resident of Raymond V. Ingersoll Houses, community activist, former parent coordinator at P.S. 287, and a nature photographer.

Text by

Chloe Ali

My name is Chloe Ali and I’m 11 years old. This is my first time as a community youth writer and I’m very excited about this opportunity. I was raised in Ingersoll houses by my grandmother and mother who attended Public school 287.

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