Fort Greene

Kathy Urbina

Kathy Urbina has been a staple of the Fort Greene community since she moved in 1984. She has been an active part of it for years, always giving back to the neighborho od she calls home. She has been part of many initiatives, and although the issues vary, they improve not just her life, but the lives of others.

When asked about advice for people who want to make a change, Kathy said “Just do it.” It’s clear she lives by this motto as a founding member of Families with Children from China. She and her husband lead this organization because of their experience raising their daughter, whom they adopted from China. The goal was to spread information about Chinese culture, to help families keep their children’s connection with their culture, and to educate families about dealing with racism as an interracial family.

Kathy raised her daughter in the neighborhood because of the diversity and strength of the community. After Kathy ran the New York marathon in 1987, she noticed that people in the neighborhood weren’t showing up for runners. The next year, she and her husband played music out of their windows and invited neighbors over. What started as a small gathering has turned into a mini-block party. The party embedded itself into the neighborhood as a fun experience for all who attended. People who came when they were younger bring their kids back to experience it too, and people come from all over the country for it, because of the amazing energy in Fort Greene.




Kathy Urbina ha sido una pieza fundamental de la comunidad de Fort Greene desde que llegó en 1984. Ha sido una parte activa de esta comunidad durante años, siempre contribuyendo al vecindario que considera su hogar. Ha formado parte de muchas iniciativas, sobre diferentes temas, para mejorar no solo su vida, sino la vida de todos los demás.

Cuando le pedimos un consejo para las personas que quieren crear cambio, Kathy dijo “Simplemente háganlo.” Está claro que vive de acuerdo con este lema como miembro y cofundadora de Familias con Niños de China. Ella y su esposo dirigen esta organización debido a su experiencia de criar a su hija, a quien adoptaron de China. El objetivo era difundir información sobre la cultura china, ayudar a las familias a mantener la conexión de sus hijos con su cultura, y educar a las familias sobre cómo lidiar con el racismo como familias interraciales.

Kathy crió a su hija en este vecindario por la diversidad y fuerza de la comunidad. Cuando Kathy corrió el maratón de Nueva York en 1987, se dio cuenta de que la gente del barrio no salía a apoyar a los corredores. Al año siguiente, ella y su esposo tocaron música de su estéreo desde sus ventanas e invitaron a los vecinos. Lo que comenzó como una pequeña reunión se ha convertido en una mini-fiesta de bloque. La fiesta se hizo parte del vecindario y es una experiencia divertida para toda la gente que asiste. Las personas que iban cuando eran más jóvenes traen a sus hijos para que también lo vean, y hay gente que viene desde todas partes del país, por la increíble energía que hay en Fort Greene.

Portrait by

Katie Godowski

Katie Godowski is a Bed-Stuy-based product and freelance photographer who loves to photograph all the beautiful humans, nature, streets, and social justice protests in New York City and beyond with her camera. Katie simply adores walking around Fort Greene Park during the all different seasons, photographing the beautiful nature and the humans that surround the area.

Text by

Joie Berhe-Lumax

Joie Berhe-Lumax is currently a sophomore at Brooklyn Technical High School. She often works with food equity organizations to fight food insecurity in her community and is proud to call Fort Greene home.

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